Vision(s) of Politics:
The Thought of Sheldon Wolin
3-4 November 2016
Verney Room, 6th Floor South Ross
Keele Campus, York University
Toronto, Canada
Special Guest Speakers
Dana Villa, “Between Arendt and Gadamer: Re-Reading Politics and
John Wallach, “Thucydides as a Political Theorist”
Uday Mehta, “Wolin on Democracy and Constitutional Form”
Ingrid Creppell, “Arendt and Enmity”
Roundtable Discussion: Wolin’s Understanding of the Canon/Historical
Texts and the Vocation of Political Theory (Villa, Wallach, Mehta,
Graduate Student and Independent Scholar Presenters
Zhichao Tong, Lucy Cane, Jeremiah Gaster, Caleb Basnett, Calvin ZL
Lincez, Alena Wolflink, Tyler Schuenemann, Andrew Jones, Iain Webb,
Jasmin Mujanovic, Kenneth Bracker, Igor Shoikhedbrod, Aaron Service
Panel Themes
Thinking Through the Political: Democracy and Modernity
Wolin and the Ancient Greek Demos
The Vicissitudes of Radical Democratic Agency
Democracy, Identity, Oppression: The Political and the Far Right
Totalitarianism – Inverted?
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